ArtExtasia Workshops

Conscious Orgasm

Practical workshop to unleash your hidden Potential

What is Orgasm?

The orgasm, as understood by the practitioners of authentic Tantra, is the live fusion of the Yin and Yang, the cosmic masculine and cosmic feminine principles in our being. It is the most intense state that is available to us all, in which our human nature can unite with the divine.


About Conscious Orgasm

Being aware, completely present in what is going on inside us and around us offers us the possibility to explore orgasm from a radically different perspective. Although it involves pleasure, it is not limited to pleasure or the reality perceived through our senses. The total Tantric orgasm is not localised only in the physical body, but it also manifests in our subtle structures.

Why is Conscious Orgasm important?

When we properly use our orgasmic erotic energy and elevate our level of vibration:

– we progress towards the modified states of consciousness
– we open to the perception of extraordinary realities
– we are connected to the unified field of consciousness
– we learn to be more present in our lives and interactions with the others
– we can acquire a state of peace and supramental hyper-awareness
 – we can learn to use the gigantic power of orgasm to fuel our spiritual evolution.

Benefits of Conscious Orgasm

We offer a set of simple methods to enrich your capacity of living happiness in the entire body and at the same time at all interior levels, exploring the feeling of unity and completeness.
This workshop offers a guided incursion into how to become aware of the depths of our being of the huge erotic potential, and how to orient it for:

– physical and emotional balance
– the enrichment of the experience of your own eroticism
channeling of the sublimated energies of the orgasm for thriving vitality, creativity, willpower, affection, spiritual intuition, superior intelligence, the conscious communion with God.

“This was a very surprising experience for me. Its echoes still resound in my body, in my energy and in my consciousness. It opened doors that I didn’t know existed inside of me, I am deeply grateful!”

Workshop Coordinators

Ákos Gáspár

Ákos Gáspár

Musician, Actor, Multimedia Artist

 Ákos is a musician, actor and multimedia artist. Passionate about the study and practice of Tantra for over 20 years, he has a rich experience in working with groups and teams from around the continent, using art, games and group techniques to achieve better congruence, communion and creativity in groups.

Aghora Vidya

Aghora Vidya

Artist, Director

Aghora Vidya is an artist of the Objective Art and a spiritual seeker on the intensive path of Tantra. When she decided to direct her artistic path towards creating art movies, she started with short and experimental projects.

Her movies express with the power of the spiritual avant-garde the outstanding aesthetics of the Kashmir Shaivism that considers art a bridge towards the divine realms.

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