
A new Erotic paradigm is making its way into the world. We’ve structured some important introductory information, so you can easily find what’s relevant to you.

Sacred Erotic Art


Plato: “Through artistic contemplation, Eros becomes the appreciation of the beauty within a person, and even more, the appreciation of beauty itself.”

Aristotle: “Eros helps the soul recall knowledge of beauty, and contributes to an understanding of spiritual truth.”

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The Art of Transfiguration

Learning the art of transfiguration means to teach the eyes of our soul to always seek beyond the veil of appearances, where the essence of beings, situations, phenomena continuously shine[…]

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Life without Labels, a Joyous Life
Life without Labels, a Joyous Life

Do you still remember those really magical words from school? – Take out a pen and a piece of paper…. I will ask you all, yes, all of you, to write something. […]

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Rasa – Aesthetic Delights
Rasa – Aesthetic Delights

Rasa literally means “juice, essence, taste”. It refers to the aesthetic flavour or delight of any visual, literary or musical work that evokes an emotion or feeling in the ‘sensitive spectator’ […]

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Healing Art
Healing Art

Until we listen to the voice of consciousness, we are slaves to a fractured way of thinking, and we perceive ourselves split between body and spirit, between heart and mind[…]

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The Hidden Face of Beauty
The Hidden Face of Beauty

Beauty is not relative, not a matter of taste as many wrongly believe; it is one of the most objective, absolute aspects of Reality.[…]

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The Naked Truth
The Naked Truth

We are born naked, but the culture we live in intends that we cross and we leave this world elegantly dressed. Nevertheless, the body was not been seen with suspicion in all the eras, in all types of societies.[…]

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The Woman


The Woman’s role is paramount in the transformation the world needs. Tantric tradition emphasises the role of the woman as Initiatress. Through her, our path towards transcendence is facilitated and she becomes the link between us and divinity.

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The Revaluation of the Woman

The Tantric tradition offers the possibility and means for women to awaken in their own being a special kind of superior femininity. Such femininity is symbolically described and at the same time highly venerated as “The Dombi Woman”.[…]

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The Woman as an Initiator
The Woman as an Initiator

All the ancient cultures that are based on an esoteric foundation have a tradition that praises the power of the woman to initiate. Egypt, Greece, Arabia, Tibet and China all had this fundamental belief in common.[…]

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Mystery and Fascination

The power of enchantment, the magical magnetism is an essential quality of the woman who has fully awakened the mysterious connection with the Universal Feminine Principle. In front of such a woman we are ready to lose ourselves…. in order to find who we really are, to meet our true Self.[…]

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Erotic Revolution


The Pure Erotic revolution, is a revolution of Love, beneficial to everyone without any side effects. It is a true panacea for a great number of difficulties humanity crosses today.

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Training for an Elastic Consciousness
Training for an Elastic Consciousness

On Earth, everything may seem pretty big. But if we looked at them from the newly discovered VY Cannis Majoris, a star that could fit 11 quadrillion earths inside it, we would see that we live on a dandelion. And this world of contrasts is also found in everyday life.

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What really Matters in times of Pandemic and After
What really Matters in times of Pandemic and After

A simple virus has shown us that “progress” has not made man invincible, and no matter how victorious we have imagined ourselves to be in “the fight with the nature,” we are in fact being made more vulnerable by our own mistakes.

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Main Features of Authentic Tantra

Tantric spirituality, although it has a past of several millennia, has more purpose than ever before. Real Tantra is not a weekend program of “spiritual wellness”, but a way of life and a transformation journey requiring a serious attitude and a constant spiritual effort.[…]

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The Fascinating Game of Polarity

On a deeper level we discover that the very aim of the soul incarnated in a physical body is to polarize the matter with the spirit, the gross with the subtle; the profane with the sacred; to bring the light of consciousness in every cell of the body.[…]

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The Cosmic Journey of the Couple
The Cosmic Journey of the Couple

Why is that if you make good you receive goodness in reward? Why is it that if you breathe profoundly you become calm? Why if you laugh you already start to feel better? Does all these surprise you? Check it for yourself.[…]

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