The fascinating Game of Polarity



On a deeper level we discover that the very aim of the soul incarnated in a physical body is to polarize the matter with the spirit, the gross with the subtle; the profane with the sacred; to bring the light of consciousness in every cell of the body, to bring the divine understanding and perspective into every concept, decision and action.

The hidden point of the Triangle

The game of polarity is the eternal dance between feminine and masculine, moon and sun, yin and yang.

But behind every perceptible dual manifestation there is an invisible mysterious third aspect; the neutral, that it is, at the same time, its very source and essence. Without this third element no polarity can exist.

The simplest geometrical form is the triangle – two points cannot create a geometrical form. In the same way a man and a woman cannot build a true love relationship without the neutral, transcendent element of the Divine. Love itself, whether they acknowledge it or not, is the presence of the Divine in their relationship.

The law of polarity

In order to achieve the maximum positive intensity in a love relationship Tantra devised a series of concrete and efficient transforming techniques based on the occult law of polarity, which have as main purpose to amplify superior masculinity (in case of men) and divine femininity (in case of women).

This is achieved by consciously accessing the archetypal masculine for a soul incarnated in a masculine body, and the archetypal feminine for the souls that have chosen the splendor of a feminine body for their actual incarnation.

But it is the same law of polarity that allows the man in love with a woman to awaken his own inner woman (anima) and enables the woman in love relationship with a man to awaken her own inner man (animus).

Painting of polar couple embracing

Polarize the inferior with the superior

The law of polarity has its practical appliance not just in the relationship between a man and a woman. It is the one that teaches us how to polarize the automatically manifested inferior or negative aspects in our being, in our life with the consciously chosen superior, positive ones.

Understanding it thoroughly, we can replace our negative, limitative patterns – that function like computer viruses – with the perfect divine software of qualities and virtues. We have the possibility and the right to do it, but also the responsibility to learn its know-how.

On a deeper level we discover that the very aim of the soul incarnated in a physical body is to polarize the matter with the spirit, the gross with the subtle; the profane with the sacred; to bring the light of consciousness in every cell of the body, to bring the divine understanding and perspective into every concept, decision and action.

This teaches us to see our bodies as temples of the spirit but we should also be aware that in a temple not the stones, not the monumental frescoes or colorful stained glass windows are important but the Divine Spirit that becomes more accessible in a sacralised space.

In life too we should learn to polarize the material needs of our body with the spiritual endeavor of the soul. This can be achieved by the constant orientation of our energies and aspiration towards the subtle, the elevated, the Divine.

When we forget about this and put our life into the service of the physical body, when we strive to satisfy our thirst for pleasures, when we fight to attain power or social appreciation, we just waste the precious time of our life.

“For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. 

Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and
shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Transcending duality

In this wonderful Divine Game, full of admirable paradoxes, one of the most challenging ones is: how to use polarity in order to transcend polarity? The secret is to learn how to balance it – unbalanced polarity will always maintain its appearance of duality. Only a balanced polarity can lead to its own transcendence. 

But why should one aspire to transcend polarity? And how does transcendence manifest when we still live in a physical body?

Transcendence does not mean annihilation of life. We would still be dwelling the wonderful feminine or masculine body we were gifted with for this life; we would still ecstatically enjoy the bliss of an erotic polarization…  but our consciousness will  not be trapped anymore in the roller-coaster of emotional ups and downs, of fleeting joys and annoying sufferance. It will experience life in the serenity of a superior freedom while

  • experiencing the most elevated pleasures and passions
  • acceding to love on the highest frequencies
  • making the efforts for transformation with joy
  • enjoying all godly gifts of life with complete detachment and the heart full of gratitude.

Transcending duality enables the human being

  • to live love without sufferance,
  • to confront challenges without fear
  • to experience the ocean of happiness even in the stormy waves of life
  • to enjoy the divine game of polarity with the consciousness free of it; being anchored in the transcendence of communion with God.