Training for an Elastic Consciousness

Training for an Elastic Consciousness

On Earth, everything may seem pretty big. But if we looked at them from the newly discovered VY Cannis Majoris, a star that could fit 11 quadrillion earths inside it, we would see that we live on a dandelion. And this world of contrasts is also found in everyday life.

Main Features of Authentic Tantra

Tantric spirituality, although it has a past of several millennia, has more purpose than ever before. Real Tantra is not a weekend program of “spiritual wellness”, but a way of life and a transformation journey requiring a serious attitude and a constant spiritual effort.[…]

The Fascinating Game of Polarity

On a deeper level we discover that the very aim of the soul incarnated in a physical body is to polarize the matter with the spirit, the gross with the subtle; the profane with the sacred; to bring the light of consciousness in every cell of the body.[…]