The Hidden Face of Beauty




The Hidden Face of Beauty




Beauty is spoken about by all genuine esoteric traditions as being one of the most accessible and efficient ways to attain health, joy, fulfilment and divine harmony in human life.


What is Beauty really?

Beauty is not relative, not a matter of taste as many wrongly believe; it is one of the most objective, absolute aspects of Reality.

It can be expressed even in numbers. In measures and proportions. A phenomenon, an object, a living being as well as an attitude, a specific behavior or gesture is beautiful to the extent in which the divine perfection and harmony is reflected in it.

The fact that we like or we don’t like something, is subjective; it depends on our taste molded by our personality, education, cultural background.

It is often determined by fashion or the dominant trends of the society, while real beauty is always objective. And as such it can connect us to the Universal, to the Divine which is also the source of true love.

That’s why when we face something beautiful, wondrous or magic we suddenly burst out: ”Wow, this is divine!” Because it really is.

Beauty is the embodiment of Truth that in an enigmatic way is also infused by the energy of love. Because in the divine realms these three are one. Beauty, Truth and Love.

Anything from which we exclude one of them, will lack the others too. These three cannot exist without each other, as a triangle cannot exist without one of its points.

The gorgeous smile of a woman shows the beauty of her soul

In a love relationship 

Beauty is an indispensable ingredient of a fulfilling love relationship.

The principle is simple: Everything that is beautiful – words, gestures, experiences we live together – makes the relationship flourish and fulfills us.

Everything that lacks beauty – desconsideration for each other, rude behavior, hurting words, fight for domination, using the other as an object, jealousy and possessiveness, even banality, destroys the relationship and stifles love.

Whatever we do with love and out of love has the chance to be beautiful, everything that lacks love and truth cannot be beautiful. Stupid fights, aggressiveness, and the worst of all,  sex in the absence of love.

That’s why pornography can never be beautiful, prostitution can never be beautiful, having fun through sex can never be beautiful, because there is no truth in them, no love in them.  No connection with the soul, no connection with the Divine.

The absence of beauty in a relationship is a slowly killing poison for the love that existed in the beginning. Such relationship becomes toxic for the soul.

“Through artistic contemplation, eros becomes the appreciation of the beauty within a person, and even more, the appreciation of beauty itself.”

What to do?

To find and maintain beauty and love in a relationship needs constant attention, awareness and care. To be aware of everything happening with us, in us and around us. To understand.

To remove from the energy-field of the relationship everything that is disturbing, destroying, dragging us down and to feed what is transforming, harmonizing, blissful.

To continuously seek, find and live what is true and good. Not from the ego’s point of view but in accordance with the divine harmony. To be faithful to our own self – to our own soul-self – whose basic food is beauty, joy and truth.

That’s why we long so much for love because in real love all these are present. At the beginning, for some time, but if we are not conscious enough and we don’t do the right effort they will gradually wither or vanish.

Beauty connects us to the paradisiacal astral words that, even when we don’t realize it, pours into our life joy, bliss, happiness.

Ugliness connects us, even when we are not aware of it, with the lower spheres of the astral world that will inevitably bring in our life difficulties, problems, misery and destruction.

To bathe our relationship in the nutritive energy field of beauty requires a conscious and sustained effort. It does not just happen by default. But it’s worth any effort because beauty gives life, heals and regenerates.  The body, the soul the mind. Gives us integrity. And a life lived as a miracle.

Love is a divine gift but a relationship is a human creation, an artwork, and it depends only on us to turn it into a masterpiece. One that brings about bliss, illumination and continuous connection with the Divine.

Want to know more?

Read also about: The Art of Transfiguration or The Revaluation of the Woman
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