
Um novo paradigma Erótico está a chegar. Aqui pode encontrar algumas informações introdutórias importantes para que encontre facilmente o que é relevante para si.

Arte Erótica Sagrada

Platão: “Através da contemplação artística, o Eros torna-se a apreciação da beleza interior de uma pessoa e, mais ainda, a apreciação da própria beleza.”

Aristóteles: “O Eros ajuda a alma a recordar o conhecimento da beleza e contribui para a compreensão da verdade espiritual“.

Leia mais abaixo:

Training for an Elastic Consciousness

On Earth, everything may seem pretty big. But if we looked at them from the newly discovered VY Cannis Majoris, a star that could fit 11 quadrillion earths inside it, we would see that we live on a dandelion. And this world of contrasts is also found in everyday life.

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What really Matters in times of Pandemic and After

A simple virus has shown us that “progress” has not made man invincible, and no matter how victorious we have imagined ourselves to be in “the fight with the nature,” we are in fact being made more vulnerable by our own mistakes.

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A Mulher

O papel da Mulher é primordial na transformação que o mundo precisa. A tradição tântrica enfatiza o papel da mulher como Iniciadora. Através dela, o nosso caminho para a transcendência é facilitado e ela torna-se o elo entre nós e a divindade.

Leia mais abaixo:

The Revaluation of the Woman

The Tantric tradition offers the possibility and means for women to awaken in their own being a special kind of superior femininity. Such femininity is symbolically described and at the same time highly venerated as “The Dombi Woman”.[…]

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The Woman as an Initiator

All the ancient cultures that are based on an esoteric foundation have a tradition that praises the power of the woman to initiate. Egypt, Greece, Arabia, Tibet and China all had this fundamental belief in common.[…]

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Mystery and Fascination

The power of enchantment, the magical magnetism is an essential quality of the woman who has fully awakened the mysterious connection with the Universal Feminine Principle. In front of such a woman we are ready to lose ourselves…. in order to find who we really are, to meet our true Self.[…]

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Revolução Erótica

A revolução Erótica Pura, é uma revolução de Amor, benéfica para todos, sem quaisquer efeitos colaterais. É uma verdadeira panacéia para um grande número de dificuldades que a humanidade atravessa hoje.

Leia mais abaixo:

Training for an Elastic Consciousness

On Earth, everything may seem pretty big. But if we looked at them from the newly discovered VY Cannis Majoris, a star that could fit 11 quadrillion earths inside it, we would see that we live on a dandelion. And this world of contrasts is also found in everyday life.

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What really Matters in times of Pandemic and After

A simple virus has shown us that “progress” has not made man invincible, and no matter how victorious we have imagined ourselves to be in “the fight with the nature,” we are in fact being made more vulnerable by our own mistakes.

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